Pre and Post: Year 25

I didn’t feel like I lived until I turned 25. I was so caught up in my insecurities and listened to other people that I never did want I wanted. I remember distinctively; I wanted to do a queen show. I got the form and filled it out but didn’t submit it because I persuaded not to do it. I also allowed fear to be a significant part of my life. There were so many times I wanted to do something, but I was scared. Then after the event, I would be filled with much regret that I played alternative scenarios my mind.

Then at 25, when the frontal cortex was matured, the lights came on. I was walking one day, and I asked myself “what are you doing?” I realised then I shouldn’t be bothered by what people thought and I should focus on what I wanted. This epiphany was concerning other heartbreaks as well. I guess being hard-headed is beneficial after all. I had to be and do me for my sanity. Now, I’m seasoned in this positivity and life is much better. I’m happier and attracting ambitiously conscious people in my life.

Pre 25 was excellent, but post 25 is much more liberating because I am not phased by the negativity, insecurity or immaturity of others. The colour on the rose-tinted glasses has been lifted, and I can see things for what they are. I learnt it’s all about protecting your energy and keeping people around that will help you grow. It’s hard to say goodbye; but seasons change, creatures evolve and stagnant water produces harm. If you aren’t there yet, start heading in that direction because your future self is waiting to be that beacon of light that shines constantly.

Pax et Felicitatem,
Nomadic Mind Wanderer


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